Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A lot has changed sense March 2014. It's crazy to go back and read this blog--I honestly forgot I had written some of that stuff. Life as we know it has completely changed--for the better!!
Our family update:
Dallas is still handsome as ever! He is going to school full time and only has a year left! Yay! He hangs out with Kinz while I'm at school--and plays ball when he can. He truly is such a great little Daddy and would do anything for his girls. He has been so well in school and I am proud of him and all of his accomplishments.
I quit my job!! In August I quit my job to start nursing school at BYUI!! I am now halfway through my first semester and literally shed tears of joy on a weekly bases for where I'm at right now. It's a dream come true and I'm loving it!
We moved in with the in-laws so we could keep Kinz out of daycare and finish school. We both will be graduating December 2015! To say I'm excited would be and understatement!! I already have the blueprints for our future house picked out (and Im not joking). I'm beyond ready for the next phase of our lives and expanding our little family :) (eventually)! But we feel so blessed that we can start dreaming of the future and really making our dreams reality.
Kinzlee is a busy almost 2 year old! She is SO beautiful. She is starting to talk and creating sentences.  She is very smart--I'm amazed out how smart these little ones are! She has tue cutest laugh and smile. She loves babies--I mean LOVES them. All she wants to do--all day--is read books and rock her babies. She doesn't like to play independently, she'd rather be curled up in your lap being read to. She is still tall and skinny--and has a soft voice. She adores her cousins and Uncle Jake. She rules our house--and despite trying not to give her whatever she wants she usually gets whatever she wants! She is always reminding us to say prayer and yells "AAAMMEEN!" She is also very lovey and will randomly give me hugs and kisses. She still eats like a bird--but always asking for treats. HA! I could go on and on and on about how amazing this little girl is but I think that's a good update!
We are truly blessed.